by ixeeya | Jan 29, 2025 | blog
At the end of January the first cross quarter of the year offers us a mini season inside the turn of the seasons of the year. The Celtic traditions name this threshold Imbolc. Its a time to acknowledge the quiet energy of preparation, Reflect on your inner light:...
by ixeeya | May 3, 2022 | blog
Have you been longing for change? I go through cycles where even though my life is all I have wanted and there are so many blessings Im still antsy and wanting change… Im tired or burned out or bored and crave a new beginning! In my mind I am getting...
by ixeeya | Dec 19, 2021 | blog
Im in love. Always in love with this time of year. I can feel more. Hear more and be more of my self. Darkness my old friend, thank you. As the leaves fall to the earth in the north and the winds change, the plants give way back into the roots we are changing too. Can...
by ixeeya | Apr 28, 2021 | blog
OOOO Momma! Its a Yes Ma Moment…Meet my new baby! Ahhhhh not gonna lie, this has been a Wild Divine birth process It Stretched meeeeee! And its AMAZING! Ive been gestating in a sacred womb of women, creating our new on line temples together! This is a LOOONNNGGG time...
by ixeeya | Apr 21, 2021 | blog
Where are my wild ones? You know how good this feels !! But have you been caging your self inside this week? Lets make sure we keep our wild side nourished! I believe earth time is essential to nourish our souls to keep dancing through this life heart centered to be...